Production and Sale of Tourist Souvenirs
The ideal partner for Wholesalers – Distributors and Retailers in the tourist market.
The wide range of tourist items that we produce is composed of: Tourist souvenirs, Tourist Guides and Editions, souvenirs customized also in small quantities.
We distribute directly in some of the main Italian tourist locations and cities of art :
discover our services for wholesalers and our catalogues for shopkeepers!
In aggiunta alla produzione e alla vendita di tourist souvenirs, attraverso il Brand Editaly, Rotalsele S.r.l. disegna, realizza e distribuisce Biglietti Augurali per tutte le occasioni, shopper regalo e articoli da cartoleria, nel canale GD, GDO, Grossisti e Negozianti con linee dedicate.
Services fot Wholesalers and Distributors
Are you a wholesaler in the tourist souvenir business?
Contact Us.